Indian names of stars and constellations

A compilation of Indian names of stars and constellations. The listing of stars is in the order mentioned in the planetarium show 'A night at the star hop'.

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Source is Wikipedia unless otherwise mentioned.
This page has many ‘Nakshatras’ listed, with explanations.
  1. Big Dipper - Saptarshi

  1. Polaris or the North Star - Dhruva taara

  1. Ursa Minor - Dhruvmatsya taaramandal ध्रुवमत्स्य तारामंडल

  1. Arcturus - Swaati

  1. Bootes -  Gvaalaa taaraamandal, Avvapurusha source

  1. Spica - Chithra
  2. Virgo - Kanya Raasi
  3. Regulus - Magha
  4. Leo the Lion - Simha Raasi
  5. Vega - Abhijit
  6. Lyra the harp - Veena  source
  7. Deneb - Hans taaraa
  8. Cygnus the Swan - Hans taaraamandal
  9. Altair - Shravan taara श्रवण तारा
  10. Aquila, the Eagle - Garud taaraamandal
  11. Milky Way - Aakaash Ganga, పాలపుంత
  12. Sagittarius, the Archer - Dhanu taaraamandal
  13. Antares - Jyeshtha taara
  14. Scorpius the scorpion - Vrishchika raasi
  15. Orion the Hunter - Mrig or Kaalpurush, మృగశిర , कालपुरुष 
  16. Pegasus - Bhaadrapada (51 Peg),  पर्णिन अश्व तारामंडल
  17. Andromeda - Devayaani 
  18. Cassiopeia - Sharmishthaa, കാശ്യപി
  19. Cepheus, the king - Vrishparva वृषपर्वा तारामंडल, കൈകവസ് 
  20. Perseus - Yayaati, വരാസവസ്
  21. Capella - Brahma hriday taaraa
  22.  Auriga, the charioteer - Brahma taaraamandal 
  23. Castor and Pollux - Punarvasu
  24. Gemini, the twins - Mithun
  25. Procyon - Prasvaa taara
  26. Canis Minor - Heen shvaan taaraamandal
  27. Sirius - Vyaadha taara
  28. Canis Major, the large dog - Shvaan taaraamandal (Mahaa Shvaan)
  29. Rigel - Raajanya
  30. Aldebaran - Rohini
  31. Taurus, the Bull - Vrish taaramandal  / Vrishabha


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