
Now showing - 5000 eyes

We're currently showing '5000 eyes' at our planetarium, from 29 January 2025. This planetarium show describes the DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument) mission to map the positions of millions of our nearby galaxies. A flat-screen preview of our 3-language show featuring Telugu, Hindi and English voice-overs is embedded below.   

Available for special screenings - A place like no other

"A place like no other" is a fulldome documentary from the University of Alaska Anchorage and Open Lens Productions . This show takes you around Alaska to the unique places found there and their inhabitants. This show is available with us only in English.  A flat-screen preview of this show is embedded below. 

Available for special screenings - Kira

The short feature  "Kira" is a cinematic movie specially commissioned by the International Planetarium Society to set a new benchmark as a cinematic movie developed specifically for fulldome screens in celebration 100 years of the Planetarium. This show is currently available only in English at our Planetarium. A flat-screen preview is embedded below.      

Available for special screenings - Red Eye to the Stars

Now available at the Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre - the planetarium show "Red Eye to the Stars" - available in English, Hindi and Telugu. The flat previews of these productions are embedded at the bottom of this page. This planetarium show, from Laupheim Planetarium , showcases the flying observatory "SOFIA", the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy, which is an observatory built into a Boeing 747SP. SOFIA gathers thermal radiation from distant celestial objects unobstructed by the water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere. Among other things, it can be used to observe the nurseries of young stars in distant gas nebulae that remain hidden in the spectrum of visible light. English preview -  Hindi preview -  Telugu preview - 

Now showing - Cosmic Architecture of the Universe

We're currently showing 'Cosmic Architecture of the Universe' at our planetarium, from 16 November 2024. This is an in-house fulldome adaptation of the inaugural show prepared in the mid-1980s, which explores the relationship between Man and the Cosmos. We also have Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam versions of this show.  Flat-screen preview of our 3-language show featuring Telugu, Hindi and English voice-overs is embedded below.

Now showing - 100 years of Eternity

We're currently showing '100 years of Eternity' at our planetarium, from 16 October 2024. This show, produced by the Society of German-speaking planetariums and the International Planetarium Society celebrates the occasion of the centennial of the projection planetarium. Flat-screen preview of our 3-language show featuring Telugu, Hindi and English voice-overs is embedded below.

Now showing - Supermassive Black Holes

We're currently showing 'Supermassive Black Holes' at our planetarium. This show, distributed by ESO , is produced by BiD4BEST   (Which is a consortium of: University of Southampton, University of Durham, Donostia International Physics Center, Università di Bologna, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi, Intituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Leiden Observatory, University of Bath). This planetarium show presents black holes in an impressive and understandable way to the audience. Flat-screen preview of our 3-language show featuring Telugu, Hindi and English voice-overs is embedded below.
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