A compilation of Indian names of stars and constellations. The listing of stars is in the order mentioned in the planetarium show ' A night at the star hop '. Here is a link to a downloadable version of this post, as a google document . Source is Wikipedia unless otherwise mentioned. This page has many ‘Nakshatras’ listed, with explanations. Big Dipper - Saptarshi Polaris or the North Star - Dhruva taara Ursa Minor - Dhruvmatsya taaramandal ध्रुवमत्स्य तारामंडल Arcturus - Swaati Bootes - Gvaalaa taaraamandal, Avvapurusha source Spica - Chithra Virgo - Kanya Raasi Regulus - Magha Leo the Lion - Simha Raasi Vega - Abhijit Lyra the harp - Veena source Deneb - Hans taaraa Cygnus the Swan - Hans taaraamandal Altair - Shravan taara श्रवण तारा Aquila, the Eagle - Garud taaraamandal Milky Way - Aakaash Ganga, పాలపుంత Sagittarius, the Archer - Dhanu taaraamandal Antares - Jyeshtha taara Scorpius the scorpion - ...